The Unstoppable Machine

In today’s high-tech world, the wow factor is harder and harder to come by. People have seen it all, and some have bought it all. We have scarcely had time to adjust the settings of a newly purchased electronic device before we see a newer model advertised. The smartphone we couldn’t live without yesterday suddenly resembles an old rotary phone compared to today’s shiny new update. The wow factor, like so many things in our world, is now expendable and disposable.

But can I tell you about a machine that I guarantee really will Wow you? And the wow will linger. I’m certain of it! I promise, promise, promise this is not a sales pitch! (I am SOOO not a fan of sales pitches).

I’m learning more about this machine every day, and I never cease to be amazed. The role I see for it in the future is that of helping the Church carry out the Great Commission. I see it as helping us discover ways to feed the hungry and figure out the best way to end a war. I honestly believe it can help eradicate some of our most dreaded diseases. It can be used for so much good, should we choose. It is so amazing! I’m talking about versatility, flexibility, and multiplicity of uses.

You need a great camera? How about autofocus that can sense exactly what you need it to see, and constantly adjust to what is just right for you? It can record sounds for you anywhere you are, for as long as you need it to, and store these sounds for later recall. Which brings me to the memory capability of this piece of art. Oh, wow! How about the memory capability of more than one billion PC hard drives, with more connections than there are stars in the universe? All of that memory capacity is stored in a mere three-pound unit. It can learn and play games and store them for later. And it speaks! Oh, can it speak! It can converse with you, recite Scripture, poetry, humor, read books, sing songs, make stories come alive, you name it! It can learn languages and translate them, immediately adapt to flexion or duress in a voice, and actually read the emotional expressions of people and calculate the best response. It can go everywhere you are, and you will never have to put it in the luggage compartment of an airplane. It is without a doubt the most wonderfully made creation you will ever find. And it lasts for decades! There is no machine like this in the world. There never will be. It’s the human body.

God created us so amazingly complete and awesome, with billions of parts that work together to help us understand and change the world around us. The human brain is the most phenomenal creation ever known to mankind. Its abilities continue to baffle scientists.
Our brains weigh about three pounds. The part of your brain that helps you stand and walk, without having to think about left foot, right foot, is called the cerebellum. It weighs about 5 ounces! Jesus said, “Go,” and the great majority of us have that ability to get up and walk to someone with the news of Jesus! When we cannot go physically, we can go in spirit, through prayer.

Jesus said, “Look at the fields, they are white unto harvest.” We can’t even see with our naked eyes the millions of tiny neurons that allow us to lift our eyes and see the vast and teeming fields of billions of souls who need Christ.

Jesus said, “Give a cup of water in My name,” and we don’t even have to tell our muscles, nerves, and bones what to do to grasp a cup and offer a drink to a parched wanderer, or how to pick up a Bible and offer the Living Water to them.

Jesus said, “Pray that the Lord of harvest would send out workers.” And we don’t even have to tell our brains to form the words of a prayer on our lips. Our prayers pour forth from the cries of our hearts. “From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

Jesus said, “Listen and understand.” We have the most amazing memory system in the world. If our brain’s knowledge and memory were stored on CDs, the tower would stretch to the moon! Our ability to hear is present long before we learn to speak, but our ears are busy registering every sound and filing it away. We can hear the Shepherd’s voice and know that it is His. We have heard it before. He is speaking even today.

The human brain and body can withstand all kinds of hardship, yet still stand and testify to the glory of God. Yet we think our life is over if our phone dies in the middle of a text. What about the people who die without Christ?

No computer or smartphone, headset, or bracelet can ever replace what God has created us to do. Go, give, see, hear, understand, heal, forgive, live! Put down the electronics and go be human. Set down tomorrow’s antique and go share what is eternal. Cease bowing at the shiny gods of this world and bow at the feet of the eternal God. The world will never be the same!